Okay.  So yesterday we had primaries.  Lots of them.  And what is the definition of a primary?  It’s that several republicans run for one office, and the one with the highest vote count is chosen.  And several Democrats run for one particular office and the one with the highest vote count is chosen.  That’s what a PRIMARY is.

So tell me.  WHY the F*CK is there a headline out there this morning that reads as this one does?

This is just irresponsible.  Demanding change?  If you look at the races, the ONLY people that were in the “establishment” that were kicked out was one single Republican Governor, the Governor of Nevada.  I mean look at the headline right below that one!  “Incumbent Lincoln wins runoff over Halter”.  And look at the image – it is a Senator Lincoln supporter!

This is beyond ridiculous!

By walterh

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