I know that a few billion people were paying attention to Live Earth. Thing is, I has visiting with family that I hadn’t seen in years. I’m doing what I can myself, to help put a stop to global warming. Now, though, I’m a bit distressed that I missed Live Earth New York. Specifically, Melissa Etheridge’s performance at Live Earth. Driving into Phoenix today, I heard Randi Rhodes talking about the present that Melissa had given Cindy Sheehan, and she played part of the song, “Imagine That”.

What a wonderful, powerful song. It’s a song that can help motivate and move people to DO something!

I looked long and hard. MSN, in their ultimate wisdom, somehow doesn’t have Melissa’s performance available. The link that I had took me to some rapper performing. Not exactly what I was looking for. Then I found it over on YouTube. Don’t you just love technology?

So if you want to watch it, and hear some powerful words, click on over and watch the performance on YouTube, or you can find it below.

By walterh

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